Henry County, Georgia, offers many strengths for employers, residents, and visitors. Its diverse population brings opportunities for experiences from dining to exploring. According to 2022 Census estimates:
Household Data
- Median household incomes is estimated at $79,663 while mean income is estimated at $98,501 per household.
- 38% were born outside of Georgia.
- 8% of residents are Foreign born.
- 88% have lived in the same house for more than a year.
- 72% of housing is owner-occupied.
- The median age of Henry County residents is 37 years.
- 93% are high school graduates or higher.
Employment Data
- 67% of residents are in the labor force.
- 15% are in the service industry.
- 2% are in the information industry.
- 11% are in the retail trade industry.
- 32% are in the transportation and utilities industries.
Throughout most of the 1900s, Henry County's population was less than 50,000 residents. In 1996, the Atlanta metro area hosted the Centennial Summer Olympics. In less than three decades, Henry County's population increased five times to 250,000 residents.

Race & Ethnicity
In the 1990 Census, Black/African American residents in Henry County represented 10.4% of the population with White residents counted at 88.1% of the population.
By the 2020 Census, those percentages changed significantly. Black/African Americans now represented 46.7% of the population while White residents decreased to 35.7% of the County's population.

Between 1990 and 2020, according to the U.S. Census, Henry County's population increased five times. While the age demographics remained somewhat consistent, some changes are worthy of observation.
For example, residents from birth to four years decreased from 8.2% of the population to 5.6%. Adults over 65 increased from 8.3% to 12.3% of the population.
Early-entry workers (between 20 and 34 years of age), decreased from 25.6% to 19.3% while pre-retirement employees (between 50 and 64 years) increased from 12.9% to 20.2% of the population.