A Dream Come True

A Dream Come True

Before becoming a member of the Leadership Henry Class of 2020, I heard a lot of people repeat the same 2 statements. “You’re going to have a blast and learn so much,” and, “You will build so many lifelong friendships and connections.” After our retreat and only one class day, I am already seeing this to be so true.  I’m learning so much about my classmates and how we will all be able to utilize our connections to help our community.

Our first day of Leadership was County Day and I learned a lot about this community that I grew up in. We took a tour of the county while the County Historian, Gene Morris, educated us on the history of it. The tour was very informational and we even saw some places that I had never seen in Henry County. The information we learned included things such as the geographical changes of the County, history of the farmlands, crops and residents of the county, current points of interest and so much more.

After touring the county, we went to Jailhouse Brewing Company for a catered lunch while we learned about the history of the building and the brewing process. After that, we visited the Federal Aviation Administration. This was a very interesting stop because we got the chance to learn about air traffic control and even see inside the control room. When we left the FAA, we made one last stop at the Atlanta Motor Speedway, where we were able to see inside of Club One and walk on the track to experience how steep those turns are.

County day was very eventful and informational. We have an awesome class and I see us doing great things for our wonderful community. I look forward to seeing the great impact we will have on our community.

This update was provided by Heather Estes, Administrative Assistant of Haven House and member of the Leadership Henry Class of 2020.

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1709 Highway 20 West, McDonough, GA 30253 – (770) 957-5786 – memberservices@henrycounty.com